A Proposal for Supercharging IOTA EVM Growth

Governance Jul 12, 2024

New IOTA Governance Vote Starts Today

The IOTA Ecosystem team has prepared a proposal to use the unmigrated token pool in a way that benefits the ecosystem. In a governance vote, you are asked to decide on this proposal with your IOTA tokens.

Today, a new governance vote is available for all IOTA token holders in your wallets.

The IOTA Ecosystem team invites you to decide on the following governance proposal:
[IGP - 0005] - A Proposal for Supercharging IOTA EVM Growth

This proposal aims to boost the IOTA EVM ecosystem by leveraging unclaimed IOTA tokens. These assets were never migrated from the first IOTA network version (Legacy Network) to the Chrysalis network upgrade in April 2021. The proposal aims to provide necessary on-chain liquidity to boost the EVM ecosystem’s growth. Deep liquidity in key trading pools makes our ecosystem much more attractive, enables seamless onboarding to IOTA, and fosters growth and stability in the IOTA EVM network.

The proposal has completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the governance process in our Governance Forum and is now presented to IOTA token holders for Phase 3, the final vote.

Timeline of the Vote

Phase 3 will last 14 days:

  • The 7-day Commencement Phase starts at 4 PM CEST today, Friday 12th, and lasts until approximately 4 PM CEST on Friday 19th.
  • The 7-day Counting Phase lasts from approximately 4 PM CEST on Friday, the 19th, until approximately 4 PM CEST on Friday, the 26th.

Additionally, we are looking for a community member to fulfill the role of “observer” as described in the proposal specifications. Please apply using this web form.

We hope you support our proposal with your vote and help us create a thriving IOTA EVM ecosystem.

A detailed guide to voting can be found in our Wiki.


IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.