IOTA presents at IEEE ICBC in Seoul

Research & Development Jun 24, 2019

The IEEE ICBC is a premier forum for the latest research in the field of DLT. At the IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency 2019 in Seoul, South Korea, several members of our research team co-authored and presented the paper ‘Achieving Fairness in the Tangle through an Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm.’  

The paper, co-authored by Dr. Luigi Vigneri, Senior Research Scientist at IOTA and member of the Coordicide team, proposes a novel algorithm to deal with network congestion and to prevent spam attacks in the Tangle. Instead of using Proof of Work with fixed difficulty (as in the current IOTA implementation), the work suggests to adapt it depending on node reputation and the number of transactions recently issued. This allows slow nodes to get their transactions confirmed with high probability while introducing a throughput cap for potential attackers.

At the conference, Director of Research Dr. Moody Alam also served as a panelist on the “Beyond Cryptocurrencies” roundtable, where he discussed the current status of research into scalable DLT, as evidenced by IOTA, as well as a vision for the role of these new technologies in the near future.

IOTA also set up a desk in the conference hall, where our paper and broader vision received a lot of interest from conference participants.

Having a paper accepted and presented at IEEE ICBC is no small feat, and served as a true testament to the growth and strength of our research team. We look forward to sharing more research through public research forums such as these in the future.


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