IOTA Presents at the 2nd International Conference on Blockchain, Identity & Cryptography

Research & Development Sep 25, 2019

We are excited to share that Professor Serguei Popov, Professor Bill Buchanan and Dr. Moody Alam — all members of the IOTA Research Council — recently attended and presented at the 2nd International Conference on Blockchain, Identity, and Cryptography, in Edinburgh.  

Dr. Buchanan offered opening remarks at the conference, which was focused on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and their applications, particularly in IoT industry settings. In his remarks, he underlined the importance of DLT for businesses. He emphasized that the role of businesses must be proactive — it is important to have industry representation even during early research phases. He also shared his plans to increase the size of his research team in the near future.

Dr. Popov’s presentation, outlining IOTA technology, can be viewed here. Dr. Alam’s presentation focused on research challenges at the IOTA Foundation and described the general strategy for research in this nascent and fast-paced field. Various scholars presented research on topics germane to IOTA. We encourage you to listen to their talks, which can be found here.  

IOTA’s participation in events, such as this conference, furthers a key goal of the Research Council — to provide academic oversight and direction to research efforts. Conferences are also a wonderful opportunity to discover and expand collaborative opportunities. The conference was attended by industry leaders who are eager to learn and deepen their own participation in DLT research. The IOTA Foundation team had some very interesting discussions around the application of IOTA technology in various industries and use cases.

We look forward to future conferences!

If you want to know more about what happened during the conference, please take a look at the following posts:

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Andrew Greve

Social Science Researcher, Academic Liaison