IOTA Simulations: First Preview to the Community

Research & Development Nov 6, 2017

Over the last few months the IOTA Team has been working on a computer simulation framework of the Tangle. The intention of this simulation framework is to first and foremost, generate and examine different Tangle environments under different conditions. These simulations help us to further improve and optimize the IOTA Tangle itself, but to also show the resiliency of the Tangle against attacks or to study new potential attacks. With the IOTA Foundation officially being set up, we intend to take this research to the next level and will start sharing more regular updates from the IOTA Research Team.

This work on the simulation framework has been lead by Alon and I on two different fronts. In this blog post, with the accompanying paper, we will share some of the first results gathered from these simulations. The simulation software itself is currently being prepared for a public release.

The paper can be downloaded from:

The IOTA Whitepaper can be downloaded from:


IOTA Foundation

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