Pollen Testnet v0.3.2 Release Notes

Research & Development Dec 9, 2020

We are releasing a new version of our Pollen testnet: v0.3.2.
The full list of changes include:

  • Switch from BadgerDB to Pebble, saving up to half of the memory consumption
  • Add FPC statements
  • Add clock-based time to message metadata
  • Improve dashboard message live feed
  • Improve spammer to evenly distribute issued messages within a minute
  • Fix panic when writing on a closed channel in the dashboard web socket
  • Upgrade Go to 1.15.5
  • Upgrade to latest hive.go

As for the previous release, this version bump resets the network as well as the Tangle, and all the balances and tokenized assets.

The team is also working on the following building blocks required to complete the merge of the Message and Value Tangles:

We would like to thank, once again, our entire community for their help and support.

As always, we welcome your comments and questions either here on Medium or in the #tanglemath channel on our Discord. You can also join in the #goshimmer-discussion on Discord.
