The IOTA and Eclipse Foundations Launch Tangle EE Working Group to Accelerate Commercial Adoption of IOTA

Announcements Feb 11, 2020

Together with the Eclipse Foundation, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Tangle EE Working Group. Tangle EE unites a diverse group of leading companies, academics, and standards bodies in developing data, payment and identity solutions and tooling on IOTA’s Tangle.  

We are well on our way to becoming the first truly scalable, feeless and decentralized Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and have solidified our role as a world-leading center for DLT research and development. It is now time to provide a vendor-neutral governance framework under which organizations can build enterprise-grade solutions on IOTA.  

Dell Technologies and STMicroelectronics are among the founding members of the new working group, along with 13 other member organizations: Software AG,Object Management Group, accessec, Energinet, BiiLabs, Calypso Network Association, ENGIE Lab CRIGEN, RWTH Aachen University, AKITA, Geometric Energy Corporation, TMForum, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and IoTIFY.  

For more information,visit the Tangle EE website now.  

An Infrastructure Built for the Future

IOTA envisions an open infrastructure that forms the backbone of our digital economy — an infrastructure that is built with both humans and machines in mind.  

Such an ambitious goal requires stakeholders from across industries and regions to join forces and collaborate. Through collaboration, we broaden the pool of expertise, eliminate redundancies and expedite the rate of innovation.

We want organizations to be confident that they can build and rely on IOTA as a new global infrastructure for decades to come. With the launch of Tangle EE, and its vendor-neutral open framework, we distribute governance in key IOTA use case areas. Organizations can steer the direction of IOTA’s development and build their own products, services and intellectual property on IOTA without any risk of license infringement later on.  

By working together with the Eclipse Foundation, one of the world’s most accredited open source foundations, we provide a professional environment for organizations, thought leaders and developers to:  

  • Benefit from the open and vendor-neutral governance framework
  • Collaborate on innovative projects that span industries and regions
  • Have their say on the future of IOTA’s development
  • Obtain a first-mover advantage in their respective fields
  • Interact with the Eclipse and IOTA developer communities

Cutting-edge Projects

The Tangle EE working group exists to drive open-source collaboration and commercial adoption in major IOTA use case areas. Business and academia will come together to provide thought-leadership and develop tooling, applications and documentation.

Within the working group, Strategic, Participant and Guest members collaborate with each other on projects. The first two projects will focus on Unified Identity and Decentralized Marketplaces.  

Unified Identity

The Unified Identity project looks to build an interoperable trust layer that enables identity for people, organizations and things. We will develop a high-level protocol and further tooling to encourage adoption of decentralized identity on IOTA and reduce the entry barrier for new organizations to participate. For those who are unfamiliar with IOTA’s work on decentralized identity, a good starting point is to read this blogpost and the unified identity protocol paper.  

Decentralized Marketplaces

The second project focuses on Decentralized Marketplaces. The aim of this project is to enable organizations to easily deploy and participate in industry-agnostic decentralized marketplaces. We will develop an extendable toolkit to enable real-time trading of data, products, and services. For those who have not yet seen IOTA’s work on decentralized marketplaces, a good starting point is to check out the data marketplace and the recently announced Industry marketplace.  

Get Involved

Tangle EE brings benefits for organizations and developers alike.Learn more about the working group and how you can participate on our website.  

For organization membership inquiries please contact us directly.  

Read about the announcement in the official press release here.  

Watch the video with the IOTA Foundation co-founder, Dominik Schiener and the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, Mike Milinkovich, discussing the TangleEE Working Group here.  

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch directly with us in our official Discord Server. Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with IOTA’s latest news.


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