The IOTA Foundation Joins CHAISE Consortium to Design Europe's Strategy for Blockchain Skills

Partnerships Mar 15, 2021

The IOTA Foundation (IF) joined the CHAISE consortium together with some of Europe’s most influential organizations in the blockchain and technology space, namely INATBA, Fujitsu, and the European DIGITAL SME Alliance. CHAISE will provide blockchain innovation and skills development under a four-year grant with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project will develop a certified training program for blockchain and DLTs, and, the first-ever “blockchain specialist” occupational profile.

Blockchain innovation in the European Union

The European Union has become a powerhouse of global Blockchain Innovation. Although Europe is well-positioned to lead the global race for a sustainable and equitable Blockchain ecosystem, a lack of digital skills, education, and training could hinder or delay this ambition. Distributed Ledgers are at the core of the European Union´s strategy to advance digital transformation to benefit society and stimulate sustainable growth.

CHAISE Target Groups

The European Blockchain Sector is well-positioned in international markets, yet its competitiveness largely relies on the availability of a competent and diverse workforce. Whereas the demand for blockchain skills is steadily increasing and employers are facing a shortfall of skilled professionals. The sector is challenged by talent shortage, global competitive pressure, limited connection between education and the market, as well as a missing definition of key skills for the European industry.

THE CHAISE Consortium

CHAISE will put forward an open, inclusive blockchain skills governance system, to address skills mismatches and deliver appropriate training, intelligence gathering & solutions tailored to sectoral needs. CHAISE is not just another European project. Mandated by the EC to design the missing European Blockchain Skills Strategy, “It is a really specific project”, said Pavol Krempasky from the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The CHAISE consortium reflects the paradigm shift ushered in by blockchain  in representing a diverse ecosystem of European DLT pioneers. Led by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), the project’s consortium consists of European and global leaders in blockchain and DLTs, including academic and industry partners and sectoral organisations and communities.

Designing Europe's strategy for blockchain skills

The project will develop a 5-semester VET (qualification) programme in 11 EU languages with an innovative approach: In addition to technical skills specific to DLTs, the CHAISE Curriculum will also include non-technical soft skills to respond to the specific needs of modern work environments including problem-solving, team work, and a customer-oriented and entrepreneurial mindset. In addition, all learning materials developed by the project will be consolidated into an open online course. Finally, CHAISE will also develop the first-ever “Blockchain Specialist” occupational profile in line with existing competences and qualification frameworks to guarantee a common language for digital skills descriptions. Stay tuned for more information about the project! The project is currently developing its online presence, including a website and social media channels.

According to Holger Köther, Director of Partnerships at the IOTA Foundation: "We at the IOTA Foundation strive to not only develop the most empowering open-source DLT technology stack out there, but also actively contribute to the successful application of our technology across societal domains. For this reason, we are delighted to join leading organizations from both the field of vocational education, and DLT industry leaders to jointly strengthen the leading role of the European Union in realizing the potential of distributed technologies”.

The IOTA Foundation's participation in CHAISE is fully funded over the four year period through the ERASMUS+ program. The IOTA Foundation seeks to extend the work to our diverse ecosystem to collect and reflect the needs of our valued partners to ensure targeted, high quality educational resources on the intersection of DLT and the Internet of Things.


IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.