Trinity Public Bug Bounty
Update: The IOTA Trinity wallet is deprecated with the Chrysalis upgrade and will be replaced by the new Firefly wallet. You can easily transfer your tokens following these instructions.
Since its release, Trinity Wallet has been warmly welcomed by the IOTA community. Trinity improves in almost all aspects of the previous wallet. Not only does it have improved platform compatibility, design and usability, it is also more secure.
Throughout the planning and development process of the wallet, the Trinity team has focused on security. Our intention was to create a beautiful wallet experience that didn’t compromise on safety. The team has delivered a great product. However, even after the multiple external audits we’ve had on the Trinity Wallet, we understand that security isn’t something you ever finish. It’s a continual process.

For the last five months we have been running a private bug bounty program with Bugcrowd. We are now opening this program up to the IOTA community and the public. We are excited to engage the broader community of security researchers in exploring IOTA for fun and profit (if you find a bug, we pay you a bounty!). We encourage you to participate in the program, to help make sure the Trinity Wallet is the safest it can be.
However, if wallets aren’t your thing, keep your eyes peeled for other programs we will open up in the future.
BugCrowd Program:
Trinity Wallet:
Trinity Source Code: