Untangled Episode #17: EDAG Citybot & Smart Parking

Announcements Dec 19, 2019

In the third episode of the second season of Untangled we are back in the realm of futuristic mobility solutions.  

EDAG is a German company operating on a global scale with offices all around the world and one of the world’s largest independent development partners to the automotive industry.  

Now EDAG and IOTA are cooperating on two solutions to solve current problems of mobility in the cityscape.

The EDAG Citybot is an autonomous car that can drive around controlled environments and through its modularity concept take on different tasks such as taxi service, package delivery, garbage management or even gardening work.  

The Citybot comes with an entire ecosystem surrounding it and IOTA is also a stakeholder in this project.

Together with d-fine, EDAG and IOTA have also cooperated on the trive.me Smart Parking App and developed a Proof of Concept where IOTA is being utilized as the transaction mechanism.  

Hear more about all of it in the latest episode of Untangled with the respective product owners from EDAG, Johannes Barckmann and Alexander Süssemilch.  

Listen to the last episode here:


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