Untangled Episode #19: STMicroelectronics

Announcements Jan 22, 2020

In the nineteenth episode of Untangled, we are talking to Fabrizio Rovati, SW Platforms & Cloud Director from STMicroelectronics, also just known as ST.

ST and IOTA have been partners since summer 2019 and are especially focusing their mutual efforts around the realm of Internet of Things (IoT).

ST is a big, global company with close to 50,000 employees worldwide, and is Europe’s biggest semiconductor company.

In the interview with Fabrizio Rovati, we discussed what ST does and how they are working with IOTA to enable a machine economy by merging the forces of IoT and distributed ledger technologies, such as IOTA’s Tangle.

We also heard more about ST’s sustainability approach for its products and policies. In addition, we’ve got some good tips on how to get started with a microcontroller and how to download the X-CUBE-IOTA1 software.

Listen to the episode here:


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