Untangled Episode #2: Exploring eHealth

Announcements Dec 27, 2018

After a warm welcome of Untangled two weeks ago, we are ready to release the next episode of the podcast to keep you enlightened during the Holidays. And, make sure you enter the new year fit and healthy.

In the second episode of Untangled we are examining the current challenges residing in the healthcare sector. Specifically, we explore how the Tangle and distributed ledger technologies can ease the upcoming paradigm shift of truly digitalizing healthcare.

We are speaking to co-founders Andre Fialho and David Hawig from the healthcare start-up, PACT Care; Jakob Uffelmann, Director of Innovation at sundhed.dk, the public Danish eHealth portal and Navin Ramachandran, eHealth Lead in the IOTA Foundation. They all offer their different perspectives about this universally evolving sector.

Listen to the episode here:


We already received a lot of valuable feedback, but we would be pleased if many more of you want to share your thoughts and reflections with us.

Provide your feedback here

Since the first episode of Untangled we have upgraded our choice of channels and you can now find us here:  



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