Welcome Antonio Nardella to the IOTA Foundation

Antonio Nardella is joining IOTA as a Community Manager.

Antonio Nardellalives in Bolzano, Italy and has been in IT for over twenty years. He is a tech-consultant, technology-minded, creator with a focus on practical solutions. He is able to explain new technologies in layman terms and relate them to everyday life. His particular interests include Free Open Source Software, Internet of Things, and Distributed Ledger Technologies. He began his career as an IT technician and trainer. After working as an IT specialist for South Tyrol Marketing (SMG) and EURAC a private research center, he moved to a leading Italian dealer of POS systems. There he gained valuable experience in the field of gastronomy and thanks to his knowledge in digitization, he was responsible, as a product manager, for the gastro-software division. At the same time, he supported an Italian start-up with his special know-how in the field of distributed ledger technologies.

After discovering IOTA in 2017, Antonio wanted to contribute and support the Italian community. He began translating articles to Italian and started organizing the first IOTA meetups in Italy#TwoToTangle — Let’s Talk about IOTA Meetups in Bolzano in June 2018 and then co-organized the IOTA ITALIA Meetups in Milan giving support to IOTA Evangelists: Alessandro Olivo and Stefano della Valle. He contributed with projects that can be found in his IOTA Ecosystem profile, a flash talk at the South Tyrol Free Software Convention 2018, and made IOTA officially a part of the Data Analytics, Big Data and Blockchain (DABDB)course for the Master in Accounting and Finance by Dr. Paolo Coletti of the Free University of Bolzano.  

His project RaspiTIN classified as one of the top 10 winning projects of the IOTA Contest: The Perfect Brainstorm.

I was so greatly emboldened by the members of the IOTA Foundation, their vision and the effort they put every day into this world-changing technology. It was the reason I started the #TwoToTangle — IOTA meetup series, proof-of-concepts, projects and evangelized this fascinating view of the future whenever I had the occasion. My goal is to inspire and further develop the Ecosystem with my passion for IOTA. It is a real honor to work with inspiring and talented people!

After years of being an active member of our community, we are very happy to announce Antonio Nardella is joining the foundation. His experience, passion for IOTA and attitude will help propel the IOTA project forward. Give him a warm welcome!