Welcome Bill Acha to the IOTA Foundation

Bill Acha is joining IOTA as a software engineer of the IRI team. In this role, Bill will focus on maintaining IRI and developing new features for a better IOTA node.

Bill lives in Douala, Cameroon and has been in the technology sector for five years. He began tinkering with code at 15 years old and acquired a B.Eng in computer engineering in 2017 from the University of Buea, Cameroon.

He is passionate about algorithms and the design of scalable and robust APIs that solve real-world problems. He has worked as a full-stack developer in health and financial tech sectors for both corporate and open source organizations.

It’s a great opportunity to contribute my skills and passion to IOTA, a DLT space that is focused on building cutting-edge solutions.

I’m excited to have joined such a diverse team and I’m glad to be part of this journey!

We are excited to announce Bill Acha officially joining the project. His desire for performance and scalability will be of great assistance in making a better node application. Give him a warm welcome!