Welcome Casper Eicke Frederiksen to the IOTA Foundation

Casper Eicke Frederiksen is a journalist and communications consultant who initially started writing about politics, social issues, culture and sports, but throughout the years moved on to welfare technology, robotic / digital impact on the labour market, machine learning and AI.  

Casper studied Journalism at the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus, Denmark, although he managed to spend most of his time studying and working in Copenhagen, Prague and Melbourne. After moving to Berlin in 2016 he immediately started working as Press Manager for the small tech-startup NowDiscover and after they fell short of venture capital in 2017, he has been dedicating most of his time to tech-related copywriting projects for HuffPost and TheNextWeb as well as pleasing some of his old writing passions for Danish outlets.

I am not a traditional techie, but always had a keen interest in everything shaping our future. Although I find the immense potential applications of this kick-ass technology exceptionally exciting, it is the pure necessity for a sustainable, technological revolution that truly motivates me. IOTA’s vision and values are very much in line with my own and I am as eager as a beaver to start communicating the scope of IOTA and the Tangle.

We are very excited to welcome Casper Eicke Frederiksen to the team. As our Media Producer he brings a new dimension to IOTA, improving our ability to communicate with, and relate to the IOTA community and the wider world. Please give Casper a warm welcome!