Welcome Christian Saur to the IOTA Foundation

Christian joins the market adoption team as a strategy analyst. In this role, he will focus on driving industry adoption.

Christian lives in Berlin, Germany. He recently completed his Master’s in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT. Throughout his studies, he gained practical experience in market intelligence functions, both at a corporate and an open innovation ecosystem.

On joining IOTA

I first came into contact with IOTA at Robert Bosch Venture Capital, when I was researching blockchain and potential applications for Bosch, and I have been following IOTA’s progress since. In parallel, my studies focused on platform economics and interorganizational networks, especially their governance mechanisms, leading to a master’s thesis exploring governance mechanisms of blockchain consortia in the supply chain sector. The opportunity to work at IOTA provides me with a chance to not only look at these topics from the outside in, but be directly involved and get hands-on experience. I’m looking forward to the challenge!

We are very happy officially announcing Christian joining the project. Give him a warm welcome!