Welcome Dominic Zettl to the IOTA Foundation

Dominic Zettl is joining IOTA as Software Engineer of the Market Adoption team. In this role Dominic will focus on the development of customer solutions, beginning with the EU-funded innovation project ENSURESEC.

Dominic lives in South Germany and has been in the technology sector for around six years. He worked in a variety of projects including the fields: industrial automation, the mobility sector and also the grocery industry. His experience includes desktop and mobile development, but he mainly worked as a full-stack developer in React and NodeJS. During his spare time, he used his experience to work on several blockchain projects of different ecosystems, including IOTA.

On joining IOTA

The distributed ledger technology is one of the most exciting technologies in the present time, offering multiple opportunities in a lot of different areas. Developing decentralized applications in one of the most promising projects in this field is a pleasure for me. I am very happy about taking part in the adoption of the IOTA tangle.

We are very happy officially announcing Dominic Zettl joining the project, his experience as a software engineer is of great value to the IOTA foundation. Give him a warm welcome!