Welcome Thoralf Müller to the IOTA Foundation

Thoralf Müller is joining IOTA as Software Engineer of the Engineering team. In this role, Thoralf will focus on the iota.rs client library.

Thoralf lives near Rostock, Germany and has been part of the IOTA community since the beginning of 2018. He worked with the old client libraries and created scripts to attack the Tangle and a promoter to speed up transaction confirmation time. He has also contributed to several projects in the IOTA ecosystem, most recently at identity.rs.

On joining IOTA

IOTA's Tangle sparked my interest in learning more about the technical background. That's when I really started to learn programming, for example to send transactions that didn't follow the tipselection of the nodes. Now, two years later, I am happy to be able to participate even more actively in the development of IOTA.

We are very happy officially announcing Thoralf Müller joining the project. Give him a warm welcome!