Welcome Valerie Grappendorf to the IOTA Foundation

Valerie joins the Communications team as a User Experience Designer. In this role, she will focus on the IF's digital deliveries and product usability.

Valerie lives in Stuttgart, Germany, and has recently graduated in her Bachelor’s in Internet of Things - Design of networked systems at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. Her design focus lies in user research, concept development, and prototyping. During her degree, she gained broad experience as a UX Designer in diverse international environments like political initiatives, start-ups, and cooperations.

On joining IOTA

Since my studies focused on the design of the internet of things, I discovered Crypto, DLT, and IOTA soon after starting my degree in 2017. I immediately developed a great interest in this field and since then joined the Blockchain Hackathon in Stuttgart twice in 2018 and 2019. I’m excited to now be a part of IOTA and support this revolutionary vision. My aim is to make this great but complex technology understandable, usable, and accessible for everyone.

We are very happy officially announcing Valerie joining the project. Please join us in giving her a warm welcome!