Welcome William Sanders to the IOTA Foundation

William Sanders is an academic from the realm of pure mathematics. William undertook his undergraduate studies at The University of Nebraska, and his Ph.D. and The University of Kansas. Three years ago, he arrived as a postdoc at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. After completing this postdoc, William has decided to stay in Trondheim.  

Before joining IOTA, William’s research focused on commutative algebra and category theory. Commutative algebra studies algebraic structures where multiplication commutes, such as numbers or polynomials. Commutative algebra is fundamentally connected to geometry, where geometric objects can be studied by their defining polynomials. Category theory, on the other hand, studies the abstract study of structure, namely objects and morphisms.

In his research, William used the language of category theory to apply algebraic and geometric tools to a variety of mathematical problems in the fields of representation theory and algebraic topology.

I love exploration and discovery of mathematics research, and I am excited to work on the fascinating problems facing the IOTA Foundation. Besides the intellectual challenges ahead, I look forward to studying questions with great societal benefits. I believe that my journey from pure to applied math should be an exciting one.

I love exploration and discovery of mathematics research, and I am excited to work on the fascinating problems facing the IOTA Foundation. Besides the intellectual challenges ahead, I look forward to studying questions with great societal benefits. I believe that my journey from pure to applied math should be an exciting one.

William has published many papers in strong peer-reviewed journals and brings years of academic experience to the IOTA Foundation. We look forward to engaging his problem-solving abilities in our projects. Please give William a warm welcome!