Dev Status Update - May, 2021

Research & Development May 13, 2021

Published by the IOTA dev team every month, this update will provide you with news and updates about our key projects! Please click here if you want to see the last status update.


We have released Chrysalis phase 2 on mainnet at the end of April. You can read all about the release here. We are very happy with how the update went, and would like to thank everyone involved in the release itself, as well as in the testing prior to that. Incredibly, over 20% of tokens were migrated to the new network prior to Chrysalis launch. And we are currently closing in on 1/3 of total tokens migrated to Chrysalis only 2 weeks after the official launch!

The engineering department is now working on subsequent development, for example the Ledger support in Firefly. A big part of the focus of the team will now also be shifted towards the next great milestone - Coordicide.


The team has released versions v0.5.7, v0.5.8, and v0.5.9 of the Pollen testnet. The team is now heavily focused on getting Nectar ready for release. Stay tuned!
You can follow the project on its GitHub repository. If you want to get involved, check out our updated contributing guidelines.


The Bee team has released the 0.1.0 version of the node software with the Chrysalis release. And has since been working on fixes and improvements to the node software, as well as releasing a 0.1.1 version of Bee. For those interested, see the instructions on how you can run your Bee node.


The team has mainly been focusing on adding fixes to the Chrysalis version of the node software. As well as improving the documentation for setting up Hornets.

Smart contracts

The team released the first major version of smart contracts early in March. Make sure you check the release post for more information. Since then, we have been heavily focused on refactoring the integration to reflect the latest changes in Pollen, as well as adding new output types to support ISCP on Layer 1. We are also progressing with the EVM integration to the extent of valid execution of Solidity smart contracts. Another large topic is the implementation of a different asynchronous consensus mechanism into the Wasp node software.

You can follow the updates in the #smartcontracts-discussion and #smartcontracts-dev channels on Discord.


The external audit was completed successfully without any findings related to the security of Stronghold, which marks Stronghold Core as qualifying for a stable release. Before this happens, however, we still need to finish and audit the communication crate.

In the meantime, we will finish the documentation with video tutorials and how-to’s so that people ranging from users to integrators can better understand the benefits of Stronghold’s novel use-not-expose architecture.


After a smooth launch with Chrysalis the Firefly team now turns its attention to the Ledger Nano integration. The team is currently updating the Ledger Nano work to match the latest app changes, working to implement the Chrysalis migration for Ledger, and will also be polishing the UX and UI of the Ledger integration. The only other primary focus is fixing any remaining issues or bugs reported by users. Once the Ledger integration is released attention will turn to developing the mobile app. The UX and Design teams have been working in parallel on the Mobile designs and we look forward to sharing them with the community.

IOTA Identity

The team released IOTA Identity Beta earlier this week! The framework is now “feature complete” and compatible with Chrysalis Phase 2. The release contains a simplified higher-level API including Stronghold support and an initial implementation of the DID Communications messages based on the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) standard and Hyperledger Aries work. Read more about the release here.


The team has been busy making fixes to the Chrysalis version of Chronicle. The focus is now going to shift to additional functionality, mainly selective transaction storage.

IOTA Experience Team

In May we celebrate the anniversary of the IOTA Experience Teams!

Check out the First Year Recap post!

Join the X-Team celebrations on May 14th at 18:00 (6PM) UTC.
Together we will have a look at the feedback sent in by the X-Team members, the open goals and the direction for the year 2021 to grow together and extend the IOTA vision.
The details about how to connect to the event will be posted here.

This month we welcome the latest members to the IOTA X-Teams:

bettinasosa#9572, klu#0456 and cayasso#5172.

Everyone is invited to the IOTA Experience Teams to pave the road for IOTA to have the best experience in the DLT and IoT space. Read more about the IOTA Experience team in this blog post, discover the IOTA Experience Team on GitHub, explore the IOTA Experience Initiatives and then apply through this form.

Watch the previous X-Team meetings here on the IOTA Foundation YouTube channel.

As always, we welcome everyone to stop by on Discord — every project mentioned here has a channel (or more) for discussion with the devs!Follow us on Twitter to keep track of all the latest news:


Jakub Cech

Director of Engineering @IOTA Foundation