IOTA Newsletter #7 — Global Trade & Supply Chain Tracking, Local Snapshots, Documentation Portal & more

Newsletters Feb 4, 2019

Trade facilitation, track & trace, provenance… There are many opportunities to apply Distributed Ledger Technologies to international trade and build true innovation.
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IRI 1.6.0 with Local Snapshots out now!
Faster synchronization, lower system resource requirements, and no more waiting for global snapshots to prune the database.
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Welcome to the new IOTA Documentation Portal
Check out the new Documentation Portal and watch the video on how to find all the information you need — both for experienced developers and beginners.
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Energinet and the IOTA Foundation to Drive Internet of Things Integration in the Energy Ecosystem
Main Danish Energy Operator, Energinet, to drive Internet of Things integration in the energy ecosystem with IOTA.
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VIDEO: Watch how IOTA Tangle Technology will Impact the Future of the Global Supply Chains
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IOTA Foundation Partners with Crypto Storage AG to offer the first Institutional-Grade IOTA Token Storage Infrastructure Solution
Private and public investors, as well as institutional investors and beneficiaries, can now better than ever before securely manage access to their IOTA tokens.
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IOTA Community Assists Local Authorities with Arrest of Fraud Suspect for Creating a Fake Seed Generator
Europol announces arrest of 36-year-old individual on suspicion of tricking token holders to reveal private seeds, granting the culprit access to vulnerable wallets.
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The IOTA Foundation thanks Gur Huberman for his valuable contribution as a research scientist and member of the research council. During his time at the IOTA Foundation, Gur provided valuable insights on economic incentives of DLTs. Unfortunately, Gur’s sabbatical from teaching at Columbia Business School is now coming to an end and he will leave his position at the IOTA Foundation.

The IOTA Foundation thanks Gur Huberman for his valuable contribution as a research scientist and member of the research council. During his time at the IOTA Foundation, Gur provided valuable insights on economic incentives of DLTs. Unfortunately, Gur’s sabbatical from teaching at Columbia Business School is now coming to an end and he will leave his position at the IOTA Foundation.


IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.